
Mom Who Favors Her Son Drives Her Daughter to Leave Home, Karma Strikes Her Hard – Story of the Day

A conservative couple who favored their younger son over their older daughter was hit by karma when the boy grew up to become a pain in their neck.

John and Mary were old-fashioned. Everybody on their street was well aware of that fact. They acted differently from their neighbors and had different beliefs.

One of their most important beliefs was that the female child is of lesser importance as compared to the male child. They had two children, a boy named Junior and a girl named Lydia.

Junior was the youngest of the two, but he received all of his parents’ attention and empathy because he was a boy. Lydia was mostly ignored until it was time to get the house chores done. They hardly cared for her, and if she approached them with problems she needed to solve, they would hush her up.

“Mom, my last pair of serviceable pants just got ripped,” she told her mother one day. “Can I have some money to purchase another pair?”

“No you can’t,” her mother said. “Your brother just got a new Playstation console and it was not cheap, you’ll have to manage those pants that way for the time being.”

Later that day, her mother got her to use scissors to shear off her pants at the knees. That way, nobody would know it had gotten ripped.

Lydia lived her life like that; the older her brother got, the more attention and resources her parents spent on him. Meanwhile, they still treated her like the housemaid; it was a behavior her brother, Junior, picked up quickly.

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