
MORTGAGE RATES PREDICTIONS 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 AND 2028

30-Year Mortgage Rates Today

The current 30-Year Mortgage Rate is equal to 6.46%. The mortgage rate is updated on a weekly basis. The previous week’s rate was 6.49%, indicating a change of -0.03 points for the week. 15-Year Mortgage Rate today and prediction below.

DOWN 6.46% -0.03

30-Year Mortgage Rates Predictions For 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 And 2028

Month Low-High Close Mo,% Total,%
Aug 6.24-6.62 6.43 -0.9% -0.9%
Sep 5.98-6.43 6.16 -4.2% -5.1%
Oct 5.82-6.18 6.00 -2.6% -7.6%
Nov 5.77-6.13 5.95 -0.8% -8.3%
Dec 5.70-6.06 5.88 -1.2% -9.4%
Jan 5.79-6.15 5.97 1.5% -8.0%
Feb 5.76-6.12 5.94 -0.5% -8.5%
Mar 5.92-6.28 6.10 2.7% -6.0%
Apr 5.87-6.23 6.05 -0.8% -6.8%
May 5.27-6.05 5.43 -10.2% -16.3%
Jun 5.01-5.43 5.17 -4.8% -20.3%
Jul 5.17-5.51 5.35 3.5% -17.6%
Aug 5.25-5.57 5.41 1.1% -16.6%
Sep 5.41-5.82 5.65 4.4% -12.9%
Oct 5.40-5.74 5.57 -1.4% -14.2%
Nov 5.27-5.59 5.43 -2.5% -16.3%
Dec 5.27-5.59 5.43 0.0% -16.3%
Jan 5.09-5.43 5.25 -3.3% -19.1%
Feb 5.01-5.33 5.17 -1.5% -20.3%
Mar 4.97-5.27 5.12 -1.0% -21.1%
Apr 4.70-5.12 4.85 -5.3% -25.3%
May 4.49-4.85 4.63 -4.5% -28.7%
Jun 4.26-4.63 4.39 -5.2% -32.4%
Jul 4.15-4.41 4.28 -2.5% -34.1%
Month Low-High Close Mo,% Total,%
2026 Continuation
Aug 4.16-4.42 4.29 0.2% -33.9%
Sep 3.70-4.29 3.81 -11.2% -41.3%
Oct 3.62-3.84 3.73 -2.1% -42.5%
Nov 3.73-4.03 3.91 4.8% -39.8%
Dec 3.91-4.22 4.10 4.9% -36.8%
Jan 4.10-4.95 4.81 17.3% -25.9%
Feb 4.81-5.11 4.96 3.1% -23.6%
Mar 4.96-5.56 5.40 8.9% -16.8%
Apr 5.40-6.22 6.04 11.9% -6.9%
May 5.90-6.26 6.08 0.7% -6.3%
Jun 5.92-6.28 6.10 0.3% -6.0%
Jul 6.10-6.79 6.59 8.0% 1.5%
Aug 6.38-6.78 6.58 -0.2% 1.4%
Sep 6.34-6.74 6.54 -0.6% 0.8%
Oct 6.24-6.62 6.43 -1.7% -0.9%
Nov 6.09-6.47 6.28 -2.3% -3.2%
Dec 6.01-6.39 6.20 -1.3% -4.5%
Jan 5.92-6.28 6.10 -1.6% -6.0%
Feb 6.10-6.87 6.67 9.3% 2.8%
Mar 6.52-6.92 6.72 0.7% 3.5%
Apr 6.72-7.22 7.01 4.3% 8.0%
May 6.67-7.09 6.88 -1.9% 6.0%
Jun 6.46-6.88 6.66 -3.2% 2.6%
Jul 6.33-6.73 6.53 -2.0% 0.6%

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2024.
Maximum interest rate 6.62%, minimum 6.24%. The average for the month 6.45%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.43%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2024.
Maximum interest rate 6.43%, minimum 5.98%. The average for the month 6.25%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.16%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2024.
Maximum interest rate 6.18%, minimum 5.82%. The average for the month 6.04%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.00%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2024.
Maximum interest rate 6.13%, minimum 5.77%. The average for the month 5.96%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.95%.


FED FUNDS RATE FORECAST 2024, 2025, 2026.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2024.
Maximum interest rate 6.06%, minimum 5.70%. The average for the month 5.90%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.88%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.15%, minimum 5.79%. The average for the month 5.95%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.97%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.12%, minimum 5.76%. The average for the month 5.95%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.94%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.28%, minimum 5.92%. The average for the month 6.06%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.10%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.23%, minimum 5.87%. The average for the month 6.06%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.05%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.05%, minimum 5.27%. The average for the month 5.70%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.43%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.43%, minimum 5.01%. The average for the month 5.26%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.17%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.51%, minimum 5.17%. The average for the month 5.30%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.35%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.57%, minimum 5.25%. The average for the month 5.40%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.41%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.82%, minimum 5.41%. The average for the month 5.57%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.65%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.74%, minimum 5.40%. The average for the month 5.59%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.57%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.59%, minimum 5.27%. The average for the month 5.47%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.43%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.59%, minimum 5.27%. The average for the month 5.43%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.43%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.43%, minimum 5.09%. The average for the month 5.30%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.25%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.33%, minimum 5.01%. The average for the month 5.19%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.17%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.27%, minimum 4.97%. The average for the month 5.13%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.12%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.12%, minimum 4.70%. The average for the month 4.95%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.85%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.85%, minimum 4.49%. The average for the month 4.71%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.63%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.63%, minimum 4.26%. The average for the month 4.48%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.39%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.41%, minimum 4.15%. The average for the month 4.31%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.28%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.42%, minimum 4.16%. The average for the month 4.29%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.29%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.29%, minimum 3.70%. The average for the month 4.02%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.81%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2026.
Maximum interest rate 3.84%, minimum 3.62%. The average for the month 3.75%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.73%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.03%, minimum 3.73%. The average for the month 3.85%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.91%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.22%, minimum 3.91%. The average for the month 4.04%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.10%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.95%, minimum 4.10%. The average for the month 4.49%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.81%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2027.
Maximum interest rate 5.11%, minimum 4.81%. The average for the month 4.92%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.96%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2027.
Maximum interest rate 5.56%, minimum 4.96%. The average for the month 5.22%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.40%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.22%, minimum 5.40%. The average for the month 5.77%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.04%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.26%, minimum 5.90%. The average for the month 6.07%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.08%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.28%, minimum 5.92%. The average for the month 6.10%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.10%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.79%, minimum 6.10%. The average for the month 6.40%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.59%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.78%, minimum 6.38%. The average for the month 6.58%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.58%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.74%, minimum 6.34%. The average for the month 6.55%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.54%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.62%, minimum 6.24%. The average for the month 6.46%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.43%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.47%, minimum 6.09%. The average for the month 6.32%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.28%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.39%, minimum 6.01%. The average for the month 6.22%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.20%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2028.
Maximum interest rate 6.28%, minimum 5.92%. The average for the month 6.13%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.10%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2028.
Maximum interest rate 6.87%, minimum 6.10%. The average for the month 6.44%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.67%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2028.
Maximum interest rate 6.92%, minimum 6.52%. The average for the month 6.71%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.72%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2028.
Maximum interest rate 7.22%, minimum 6.72%. The average for the month 6.92%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 7.01%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2028.
Maximum interest rate 7.09%, minimum 6.67%. The average for the month 6.91%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.88%.

30-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2028.
Maximum interest rate 6.88%, minimum 6.46%. The average for the month 6.72%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.66%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2028.
Maximum interest rate 6.73%, minimum 6.33%. The average for the month 6.56%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.53%.

EURIBOR FORECAST 2024, 2025, 2026.

GOLD PRICE FORECAST 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028.

15-Year Mortgage Rates Today
The current 15-Year Mortgage Rate is equal to 5.62%. The mortgage rate is updated on a weekly basis. The previous week’s rate was 5.66%, indicating a change of -0.04 points for the week.

DOWN 5.62% -0.04
15-Year Mortgage Rates Predictions For 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 And 2028

Month Low-High Close Mo,% Total,%
Aug 5.41-5.75 5.58 -1.4% -1.4%
Sep 5.12-5.58 5.28 -5.4% -6.7%
Oct 5.02-5.34 5.18 -1.9% -8.5%
Nov 4.94-5.24 5.09 -1.7% -10.1%
Dec 4.85-5.15 5.00 -1.8% -11.7%
Jan 4.82-5.12 4.97 -0.6% -12.2%
Feb 4.70-5.00 4.85 -2.4% -14.3%
Mar 4.61-4.89 4.75 -2.1% -16.1%
Apr 4.45-4.75 4.59 -3.4% -18.9%
May 3.99-4.59 4.11 -10.5% -27.4%
Jun 3.89-4.13 4.01 -2.4% -29.2%
Jul 4.01-4.26 4.14 3.2% -26.9%
Aug 4.04-4.30 4.17 0.7% -26.3%
Sep 4.17-4.47 4.34 4.1% -23.3%
Oct 4.04-4.34 4.16 -4.1% -26.5%
Nov 3.95-4.19 4.07 -2.2% -28.1%
Dec 3.94-4.18 4.06 -0.2% -28.3%
Jan 3.68-4.06 3.79 -6.7% -33.0%
Feb 3.65-3.87 3.76 -0.8% -33.6%
Mar 3.51-3.76 3.62 -3.7% -36.0%
Apr 3.24-3.62 3.34 -7.7% -41.0%
May 3.08-3.34 3.18 -4.8% -43.8%
Jun 2.93-3.18 3.02 -5.0% -46.6%
Jul 2.84-3.02 2.93 -3.0% -48.2%
Month Low-High Close Mo,% Total,%
2026 Continuation
Aug 2.82-3.00 2.91 -0.7% -48.6%
Sep 2.54-2.91 2.62 -10.0% -53.7%
Oct 2.58-2.74 2.66 1.5% -53.0%
Nov 2.66-2.84 2.76 3.8% -51.2%
Dec 2.76-3.02 2.93 6.2% -48.2%
Jan 2.93-3.57 3.47 18.4% -38.7%
Feb 3.47-3.69 3.58 3.2% -36.7%
Mar 3.58-4.04 3.92 9.5% -30.7%
Apr 3.92-4.64 4.50 14.8% -20.5%
May 4.27-4.53 4.40 -2.2% -22.3%
Jun 4.37-4.64 4.50 2.3% -20.5%
Jul 4.50-5.05 4.90 8.9% -13.4%
Aug 4.66-4.94 4.80 -2.0% -15.2%
Sep 4.52-4.80 4.66 -2.9% -17.7%
Oct 4.48-4.76 4.62 -0.9% -18.4%
Nov 4.38-4.66 4.52 -2.2% -20.1%
Dec 4.27-4.53 4.40 -2.7% -22.3%
Jan 4.18-4.44 4.31 -2.0% -23.9%
Feb 4.31-4.78 4.64 7.7% -18.0%
Mar 4.46-4.74 4.60 -0.9% -18.7%
Apr 4.51-4.79 4.65 1.1% -17.8%
May 4.37-4.65 4.51 -3.0% -20.3%
Jun 4.24-4.51 4.37 -3.1% -22.8%
Jul 4.24-4.50 4.37 0.0% -22.8%
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2024.
Maximum interest rate 5.75%, minimum 5.41%. The average for the month 5.60%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.58%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2024.
Maximum interest rate 5.58%, minimum 5.12%. The average for the month 5.39%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.28%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2024.
Maximum interest rate 5.34%, minimum 5.02%. The average for the month 5.21%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.18%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2024.
Maximum interest rate 5.24%, minimum 4.94%. The average for the month 5.11%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.09%.


DOW JONES FORECAST 2024, 2025, 2026.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2024.
Maximum interest rate 5.15%, minimum 4.85%. The average for the month 5.02%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.00%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.12%, minimum 4.82%. The average for the month 4.98%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.97%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.00%, minimum 4.70%. The average for the month 4.88%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.85%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2025.
Maximum interest rate 4.89%, minimum 4.61%. The average for the month 4.78%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.75%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2025.
Maximum interest rate 4.75%, minimum 4.45%. The average for the month 4.64%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.59%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2025.
Maximum interest rate 4.59%, minimum 3.99%. The average for the month 4.32%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.11%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2025.
Maximum interest rate 4.13%, minimum 3.89%. The average for the month 4.04%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.01%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2025.
Maximum interest rate 4.26%, minimum 4.01%. The average for the month 4.11%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.14%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2025.
Maximum interest rate 4.30%, minimum 4.04%. The average for the month 4.16%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.17%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2025.
Maximum interest rate 4.47%, minimum 4.17%. The average for the month 4.29%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.34%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2025.
Maximum interest rate 4.34%, minimum 4.04%. The average for the month 4.22%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.16%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2025.
Maximum interest rate 4.19%, minimum 3.95%. The average for the month 4.09%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.07%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2025.
Maximum interest rate 4.18%, minimum 3.94%. The average for the month 4.06%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.06%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.06%, minimum 3.68%. The average for the month 3.90%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.79%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2026.
Maximum interest rate 3.87%, minimum 3.65%. The average for the month 3.77%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.76%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2026.
Maximum interest rate 3.76%, minimum 3.51%. The average for the month 3.66%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.62%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2026.
Maximum interest rate 3.62%, minimum 3.24%. The average for the month 3.46%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.34%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2026.
Maximum interest rate 3.34%, minimum 3.08%. The average for the month 3.24%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.18%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2026.
Maximum interest rate 3.18%, minimum 2.93%. The average for the month 3.08%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.02%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2026.
Maximum interest rate 3.02%, minimum 2.84%. The average for the month 2.95%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 2.93%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2026.
Maximum interest rate 3.00%, minimum 2.82%. The average for the month 2.92%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 2.91%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2026.
Maximum interest rate 2.91%, minimum 2.54%. The average for the month 2.75%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 2.62%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2026.
Maximum interest rate 2.74%, minimum 2.58%. The average for the month 2.65%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 2.66%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2026.
Maximum interest rate 2.84%, minimum 2.66%. The average for the month 2.73%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 2.76%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2026.
Maximum interest rate 3.02%, minimum 2.76%. The average for the month 2.87%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 2.93%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2027.
Maximum interest rate 3.57%, minimum 2.93%. The average for the month 3.23%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.47%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2027.
Maximum interest rate 3.69%, minimum 3.47%. The average for the month 3.55%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.58%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.04%, minimum 3.58%. The average for the month 3.78%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.92%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.64%, minimum 3.92%. The average for the month 4.25%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.50%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.53%, minimum 4.27%. The average for the month 4.43%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.40%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.64%, minimum 4.37%. The average for the month 4.48%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.50%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2027.
Maximum interest rate 5.05%, minimum 4.50%. The average for the month 4.74%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.90%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.94%, minimum 4.66%. The average for the month 4.83%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.80%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.80%, minimum 4.52%. The average for the month 4.70%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.66%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.76%, minimum 4.48%. The average for the month 4.63%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.62%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.66%, minimum 4.38%. The average for the month 4.55%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.52%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.53%, minimum 4.27%. The average for the month 4.43%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.40%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2028.
Maximum interest rate 4.44%, minimum 4.18%. The average for the month 4.33%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.31%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2028.
Maximum interest rate 4.78%, minimum 4.31%. The average for the month 4.51%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.64%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2028.
Maximum interest rate 4.74%, minimum 4.46%. The average for the month 4.61%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.60%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2028.
Maximum interest rate 4.79%, minimum 4.51%. The average for the month 4.64%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.65%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2028.
Maximum interest rate 4.65%, minimum 4.37%. The average for the month 4.55%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.51%.

15-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2028.
Maximum interest rate 4.51%, minimum 4.24%. The average for the month 4.41%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.37%.

Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2028.
Maximum interest rate 4.50%, minimum 4.24%. The average for the month 4.37%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.37%.

The mortgage rates and forecast are updated weekly (Thursdays).

Heartbreaking news about Sofia Vergara confirms what we all feared

actress was celebrating her birthday in Italy, and fans noticed something missing in her pictures.

Now, what everyone was guessing has been confirmed. Keep reading to learn more.

Sofia Vergara and her husband Joe Manganiello had been married for seven years. The couple was seen together for the last time just a month ago in Hoboken, N.J., when Vergara visited Manganiello on set for his latest project titled “Nonnas” with Vince Vaughn.

Vergara, who is a judge on the NBC hit “America’s Got Talent,” has been in Italy recently, celebrating her birthday with her friends and her husband very noticeably missing from the festivities. Fans grew even more suspicious about his absence when the actress posted a picture with the caption, “When life gives u lemons u come to Italy to squeeze them.”

Manganiello posted a birthday tribute to his wife by writing, “!!Feliz Cumpleaños Sofía!!!” with a picture of them on Instagram. Fans did not appreciate the ‘cold’ wish and suspected something is not right.

Instagram. Fans did not appreciate the ‘cold’ wish and suspected something is not right.

The couple wed in a lavish ceremony at Palm Beach in November 2015. The 400 people in their guest list included Vergara’s “Modern Family” co-stars Ariel Winter, Ed O’Neill, Eric Stonestreet, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Julie Bowen, Sarah Hyland and Ty Burrell, as well as Manganiello’s co-stars from “True Blood” Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer.

Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
CLEANING ATTIRE Sofia shared a hilarious video in December 2022 that her hubby took of her cleaning their vacation house. We’re not sure how we look while doing house chores, but we *do* know it isn’t THIS good!
Sofia shared a hilarious video in December 2022 that her hubby took of her cleaning their vacation house. We’re not sure how we look while doing house chores, but we *do* know it isn’t THIS good!
VIEWS Even with a backdrop like that, Sofia steals the show!
Even with a backdrop like that, Sofia steals the show!
YES, CAPTAIN! Sofia posed with her son and niece during a day out on a boat.
Sofia posed with her son and niece during a day out on a boat.
BAE-WATCH The Baywatch alum grinned as she walked away from the shoreline, rocking this sexy, brown tie-up bathing suit.
The Baywatch alum grinned as she walked away from the shoreline, rocking this sexy, brown tie-up bathing suit.
SEASIDE QUEEN Sofía posed for a photo in this unique, snakeskin-like bikini and a straw sun hat to shield herself from the UV rays.
Sofía posed for a photo in this unique, snakeskin-like bikini and a straw sun hat to shield herself from the UV rays.
KEEPING IT COOL While hitting the beach, the Grilled actress stepped across the sand in a plain white two-piece.
While hitting the beach, the Grilled actress stepped across the sand in a plain white two-piece.
SIZZLING ’90s queen! Sofia flaunted her backside while posing by the water.
’90s queen! Sofia flaunted her backside while posing by the water.
SWAN DIVE Sofía smiled for the camera while floating in a pool next to a large swan floatie, wearing a black bikini and a visor.
Sofía smiled for the camera while floating in a pool next to a large swan floatie, wearing a black bikini and a visor.
FEELING BLUE Do you remember when Sofia rocked this blue swimsuit and stylish hat on Modern Family?
Do you remember when Sofia rocked this blue swimsuit and stylish hat on Modern Family?
CHILLING OUT Sofía lounged on the floor while flaunting her black bikini bottoms and leopard-print shawl.
Sofía lounged on the floor while flaunting her black bikini bottoms and leopard-print shawl.
GODDESS The Con Is On star looked absolutely elegant in this different-colored two-piece look, covering up with a sheer white wrap and rocking a brown hat.
The Con Is On star looked absolutely elegant in this different-colored two-piece look, covering up with a sheer white wrap and rocking a brown hat.
SIZZLING Sofía shared this image of her via Instagram in May 2022 wearing a leopard one-piece swimsuit.
Sofía shared this image of her via Instagram in May 2022 wearing a leopard one-piece swimsuit.
POSING The former ABC star complemented her black swimsuit top and leopard briefs with a sheer, green multi-patterned cover-up.
The former ABC star complemented her black swimsuit top and leopard briefs with a sheer, green multi-patterned cover-up.
CAREFREE Sofía donned an adorable white bandeau top that had a flowing ruffle attached and coordinating bottoms while enjoying a boat ride.CAREFREE Sofía donned an adorable white bandeau top that had a flowing ruffle attached and coordinating bottoms while enjoying a boat ride.
Sofía donned an adorable white bandeau top that had a flowing ruffle attached and coordinating bottoms while enjoying a boat ride.
HOT PINK The Hot Pursuit star snapped this selfie wearing a pink bikini top and matching bottoms, letting her hair cascade down her back.
The Hot Pursuit star snapped this selfie wearing a pink bikini top and matching bottoms, letting her hair cascade down her back.
SEXY SELFIE Sofia donned a tiny black bikini for a mirror selfie while on a post-Christmas vacation in December 2022. “Beach, breeze and sea,” she wrote in the caption while also sharing a video showing the view from her villa of palm trees swaying against the turquoise water.
Sofia donned a tiny black bikini for a mirror selfie while on a post-Christmas vacation in December 2022. “Beach, breeze and sea,” she wrote in the caption while also sharing a video showing the view from her villa of palm trees swaying against the turquoise water.
BARE BACKSIDE Sofia showed off her butt in black thong bikini bottoms as she posed on her stomach for a selfie by the pool in June 2023.
Sofia showed off her butt in black thong bikini bottoms as she posed on her stomach for a selfie by the pool in June 2023.

Sofia Vergara is seen on vacation with friends on July 15, 2023 in Nerano, Italy. (Photo by MEGA/GC Images)
NERANO, ITALY – JULY 15: Sofia Vergara is seen on vacation with friends on July 15, 2023 in Nerano, Italy. (Photo by MEGA/GC Images)
Sofía Vergara
Sofía Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara | Source: Getty Images
Sofia Vergara | Source: Getty Images
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara

Sofia Vergara (Photo by Jim Smeal/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)
Sofia Vergara (Photo by Jim Smeal/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara

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